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Influencer Marketing Trends

New 2023 Influencer Marketing Trends in Dubai

Unlike celebrities, influencers can be anyone, anywhere. Now the question is, what makes them influential? Well, it is their large following on the web and social media who they influence, and thus, known as influencers. An influencer could be a makeup enthusiast on Instagram, a fitness coach who tweets, or a marketing executive on LinkedIn. Within every industry, there are influencers – you only NEED TO FIND THEM . You can identify popular Instagram accounts by their large following counts.

Why Influencer Marketing Works?

Behind the success of influencer marketing, there is a psychological effect: people are more likely to get influenced by the people they love or admire. When you use social media correctly, it provides incredible benefits to your business or brand. Now, let’s have a look at what numbers say about this growing marketing strategy:

  • 83% of people rely on the recommendation from family and friends
  • According to 66% of consumers, they trust the opinions other people publish on their social media profiles
  • Influencer marketing is one of the fastest-growing marketing strategies with cost-effectiveness
  • 92% of consumers like to get referrals from people they know before going to any other source
  • Businesses can earn up to $6.5 for every dollar they invest in influential marketing

Top Trends of Influential Marketing in 2023:

With so many techniques being used in influencer marketing, it would be interesting to see how it evolves in 2019. Let’s check out some top trends:

1. Use of Authentic Content:

People have become smart. Now, traditional ads and stock images are not going to help you with your audience. Therefore, like in 2022, the demand for authentic content will increase 2023. Influencers on social media will continue to bring an authentic flavor to their content, so they can captivate their audience easily. People follow influencers because they are willing to have honest insight into products. If you want to run a successful marketing campaign in 2023, you need to focus on influencer marketing. Remember, transparency goes a long way. HYLETE – an apparel brand –  collaborate only with authentic influencers to engage a community and share on-brand content with them, and they now have been successfully doing it for a while.

2. The Rise of Influencers:

As social networks are growing, the generation that has been using them is reaching purchasing maturity. Now, why it is important for influencer marketing? Well, it simply means that more people on social media are creating their unique content, and more people make purchasing decisions on their own. This is a shift that you should shy away from. Now, with the amplification of social media, you see many influencers of varying degrees. It also means that you can find an influencer with an audience that is more specific to what your brand needs. Now, hashtags have become an over-populated area for engagement, you can seek content and influence in location tags and mentions. It will allow you to get the on-brand engagement that too with high quality.

3. UGC – Remains Important:

UGC or User Generated Content performs exceptionally well on almost all platforms of social media, and many brands use influencer content across all marketing channels. You can use this strategy in 2023, and you can use influencers’ content across product-displaying pages, advertising campaigns, emails, etc. Using this strategy, you can maintain a consistent and authentic appearance of your brand across all channels. This will allow your users to receive a tailored yet familiar experience for every channel they are using.

4. Influencer-Brand Relationship:

When it comes to influencer marketing, you should look for partners that have on-brand content with consistency – which is a common practice of big brands. Therefore, the influencer-brand relationship would move towards a more strategic partnership than typical transactional interactions. Influencers gain credibility with their audience. The mature audience helps influencers collaborate with smart brands who know how to manage a community of loyal followers.

5. Instagram – Remain the Key Influencer Marketing Channel:

With every passing year, more and more people are using Instagram. In 2022, the number of monthly active users reached one billion, and it will only continue to grow in 2023. The modus operandi of Instagram makes it the leading platform for brand-influencer collaborations. If you use this platform smartly for promoting your brand, you can have a good ROI in a short period. Many brands like Morphe Brushes are already enjoying the returns from their huge following on Instagram which is more than 7.5 million. One reason that makes Instagram an effective platform for influencer marketing is its highly engaged community with rich visual content. In 2023, if you can utilize this content to amplify your voice, success would only be a few steps away from you.

7. Micro-Influencers and Mega-Influencers:

Usually, brands like to target influencers with 100,000 or more followers. But this is only one side of the picture of influencer marketing. Social media is another – a little more sophisticated – form of word-of-mouth marketing. Instead of such conversations that happen in private, social media has brought them to the spotlight and converted them from one-to-one to ­one-to-many recommendations. These nano or micro-influencers are nothing new, but it’s an advanced type of word of mouth. In 2023, you cannot only use macro-influencers with large followings, but micro-influencers can also help you by bringing in business for you. Influencer marking is not only an effective marketing strategy, but it is cost-effective as well – especially when compared to other digital marketing techniques. It can take your business from nowhere to sky-high in a matter of a few days. Therefore, do your research before engaging an influencer, and play smart.

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